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A laptop with the Python download webpage open on Chrome. 1
Ready to Code Python in Visual Studio? Let’s Set It Up

Planning on doing some coding in Python? Visual Studio is a great option for an Integrated Developer Environment to try out.

A laptop with the Python download webpage open on Chrome. 1
A Beginner's Guide to Debugging Python Functions Effectively

Debugging can be a headache, especially for new programmers, but here's how you can do so effectively, and quickly.

A linux terminal. 1
How to Do Floating Point Math in Linux Bash Scripts

When close enough isn't good enough, you need floating point numbers.

A physical lock.  1
What Is Encryption, and How Does It Work?

You've probably seen the term "encryption" used around the internet.

A person sitting at a desk writing for How To Geek with a laptop and an external monitor. 1
Why You Should Be Writing Everything in Markdown

Markdown is an easy-to-learn language that's readable, versatile, and works (almost) anywhere.

The Terminal open on Linux.  1
How to Discover the Screen Resolution in Linux Scripts

Get a clearer picture of the display your script is working with.

The Windows 11 Start Menu with a few apps that use XML based files, like Word and Excel. 1
What Is An XML File (And How Do I Open One)?

HTML's more exciting cousin.

By  and
GitHub hero 1
Keep Your Git Repository History Clean By Squashing Commits

Tired of messy commit histories cluttering up your Git repositories and pull requests? Luckily, Git has the ability to "squash commits," which merges multiple small commits into one.

How to Turn a Turn a Directory in a Git Repository Into a Submodule

Git submodules are like repositories within repositories, which allow you to include external code libraries or dependencies in your project, all without linking the module's version control to the project itself.

GitHub hero 1
How to Automatically Publish GitHub Releases From Git Tags

GitHub Releases provide an easy to access method for end users to download versioned software binaries.

What Are Git Submodules, and How Do You Use Them?

Git submodules are a way of including one Git repository as a subdirectory of another repository.

GitHub hero 1
How to Create and Manage GitHub Templates to Easily Create New Projects

Often times, when you're creating a new project, you're not doing so from scratch.

GitHub hero 1
What are Release Tags in Git, and How Do You Use Them?

Keeping track of software releases is a complicated task, and Git helps manage it.

GitHub hero 1
How to Use Git Shallow Clone for Faster Repository Cloning

Large Git repositories can use a lot of resources and slow down your computer.

How To Fast-Forward & Update a Git Branch

When working with Git branches, it's often necessary to keep different branches such as "develop," "release," or "staging" branches.

How to Remove Old Git History Before a Commit

When working with Git version control, it's often necessary to modify the commit history manually, even though it is intended to be immutable.

GitHub hero 1
How to Trigger GitHub Actions Remotely Using Webhooks

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD service that can run builds and tests on your project's codebase.

How to Protect Sensitive Secrets and Credentials in Your Git Repository

Hackers gaining access to your application's code can be devastating for proprietary software, but storing credentials in Git can give them elevated database access.

How To Reverse a Git Merge

Accidentally doing the wrong thing is very common when working with Git, but luckily, it's built to keep track of your repository's version history.

GitHub hero 1
How to Set Up and Maintain GitHub Branch Protection Rules

Branch protection is an important part of making sure accidents and mistakes don't happen in your GitHub repository.

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